3rd Canal Winter League Match

Shropshire Union Canal, Christleton 53.189495, -2.851856, Great Broughton

3rd Canal Winter League Match Shroppie (Christleton below Greenfield Lock) Open to Members, Canal Permit Holders and Affiliated Club Members Draw at 8:30am at the Venue Fishing from 10:00am to 3pm To be fished over six matches to be held every fortnight from October with individual’s five highest positions over all matches to count towards the final result. All participants will receive 1 point for taking part with the top ten results on the day receiving additional points from 10 to 1. Fee will be £7 including the £1 donation to Claire House payable when booking through Clubmate and £6 on the day. (£5 pools and £1 held towards the final league result) Affiliated members to pay the full £7 on the day


Firemans Pool Closed (Junior Match)

Firemans Pool 7 Hooton Road, Willaston

Junior & Young Persons Match Firemans Pool This is a match for all Junior and Young Persons Members upto to the age of 16 years old with 14 places available. Free Entry. (Bookable through Clubmate) Make sure you are logged into the participants account when booking The draw for pegs will be 9.30am fishing from 11am to 2 pm Prizes will be in the form of donated tackle.
